“History is a set of lies agreed upon.”

No matter how much effort some may exert to hide the past, the truth eventually surfaces. The true history of humanity has been buried for so long our species has lost its identity. This article is an attempt to help us reclaim that lost identity.

The process must begin with refining our understanding of the origins of life itself. The technical paper at this website on conformation theory shows that humanity was not snapped into existence from a god using clay, and not a random result of various brutal fitness contests. Life is instead a musical process whereby vibrations from higher powers manifest energy and matter, and special combinations of energy and matter act as a summons for life forms able to process such forms of energy and matter as food. As for those created by such higher powers, skeletal remains do indeed show that one such set of life forms were ape hominids, short in height, with heavy brows, and bigger overall skulls, yet ones lacking the forebrains capable of higher thought.

As shown in Hidden History of Humanity, these ape hominids were upgraded in Atlantis.

Atlantis was a continent once existing in the Atlantic Ocean proven by multiple forms of evidence, including geographical, trade, and genetic. Evidence shows an extraterrestrial species—one with the appearance of modern humans—arrived there and eventually set up a primary city, Poseidonis, named after Poseidon, and located in the region known today as the Bermuda Triangle. These beings stood about ten to twelve feet tall, with blonde or gold hair, blue eyes, and fair skin. Poseidonis was founded when Poseidon took pity on the mortal woman Cleito, orphaned by fate, and made her his wife, spawning the demigod line of ten twins, Atlas being firstborn. As the mates of these male twins were the female seven sisters, also known as the Pleiades (named after the seven stars in that constellation), and as the Nebra Gast sky disc shows the Pleiades fixation even in ancient times, and as genetic evidence shows some humans, especially those in Scandinavia, Holland, Germany, Ireland and other locations close to Atlantian colonies, have blond hair and blue eyes regardless of latitude, featuring Pleiadian DNA, we see proof of Pleiadian descent. Indeed, the Guanches and Berbers not only show genetic, linguistic and cultural ties, but the same anomalous blond hair and blue eyes not traditionally associated with African natives. Both are remnants of Atlantian colonies. The Richat structure in Mauritania is another Atlantian legacy city, Cerne.

The demigod line of Atlas explains the advent of CroMagnon man. CroMagnon was the result of the gradual dilution of the demigod line with humans. The skull shape is clearly mesocephalic with higher forebrain capacity. CroMagnon is taller than his human predecessors, with larger eye sockets. He is humanity upgraded from homo sapiens to homo sapiens sapiens—much closer to the Pleiadian originals.

The Pleiadians shared this planet not only with ape hominids and humans, but an amphibious hermaphroditic species called the Nommos by the Dogon tribe of Mali. These had blue green skin likely from a copper based hemocyanin blood oxygen carrier. Their skulls have been found. They are dolichocephalic, or showing elongated skulls—vertically. DNA of some of the more recent skulls has been analyzed. The sequences found do not match terrestrial DNA. These beings stood with scaly legs, but had tails like fish. They evidently hailed from the star system of Sirius. They had a technology based on using sound energy as described in Hidden History of Humanity. They were based largely on continents in the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean, called Lemuria and Mu respectively.

The civilizations of Atlantis, Lemuria and Mu were all interfered with by a third reptilian group, diagonally dolichocephalic, evidently hailing from the Draco contellation, with possible allies from Orion. The famed psychic Edgar Cayce mentioned a dark cult known as the Sons of Belial promoting discord in Atlantis. Cayce died in 1945. Two years later, the Dead Sea scrolls were discovered. One such scroll mentions Belial—a reptilian being considered the Prince of Darkness.

After orchestrating the fall of Atlantis, reptilians next founded Sumer when it was safe to do so. They drained swamps, formed canals, and set up temple cities ruled by kings. Ancient records show a hierarchy of those bent on conquering the planet:

Elohim: albino white reptilians staying distant in a spaceship.

Seraphim: reptilian ground forces, also known as Watchers. These included Semyaza, Azazel and possibly even Belial.

Anunnaki/Annedoti: With reptilians unable to live comfortably on the Earth’s surface, apparently being troglobionts, they needed pawns who could be surface administrators. These sons of Anu were created in a lab, crossbreeds of Nommos with other species. The pantheon of Sumer shows their ranks, from Anu to Enki and Enlil and beyond. See the hierarchy here:


The Anunnaki were not merely subordinate Nommos. Anunnaki were distinctly male and female, unlike Nommos, and had hair Nommos never had. They evidently did not want to get their own hands dirty in this bloody plot to take over the world, and so created a hybrid warrior class to do the job, one evidently less amphibious than they were so they could conquer the humans on land. Adam was thus created as the first in this homosaurian line. After this proof of concept, the seraphim wished to be more involved, and more homosaurians were created. Enki of the Anunnaki applauds the idea of having hybrids reproduce on their own; his half brother Enlil thinks this is risky, believing nonreproducing clones would be safer. Evidently the Elohim are disgusted with the idea of a viable not fully reptilian hybrid species being created that can reproduce freely on its own.

But now the Nephilim have come into existence: homosaurian giants.

Adam was their first prototype.

When one carefully reads ancient Biblical books—especially ones like Enoch once part of the Bible then later removed because too many might see the truth—there is an emphasis on piety that too many mistake for holiness. But the word pious appears well chosen, at least for translation into English. The word does not really mean holy, but devoted…compliant…OBEDIENT. Ancient sources actually do show Noah had scales on his chest. And while many are certainly quite content to smirk, snicker and scoff at the idea that there may be intelligent life in the cosmos beyond humans, and that such life once acted here, we have not only evidence of skulls and bones, but otherwise inexplicable genetic abnormalities and technological evidence.

Evidence of giant bones:


Next, consider ichthyosis. Also known as fish skin, this is a purely genetic anomaly, one present only in those locations where Nephilim and their descendants once roamed.

Here is the Wikipedia article:


Based on reports of eyewitnesses, reptilians can shapeshift. It is certainly understandable if many are skeptical of this point. Some may assume if such a thing does occur, it is technologically based, such as by using holograms. But nature actually does offer a telling example of a naturally shapeshifting species, one whose details align neatly with shapeshifting reptilians: the mimic octopus.

See video of the creature here:


When one further considers its physiology, featuring chromatophores, iridophores and leukophores, we see otherwise unprecedented capabilities for camouflage and infiltration, not to mention a likely explanation of why such beings were called “the shining ones”. See this article for more:


There are many more articles on this phenomenon you can find if you search.

The primary in your face evidence of advanced technology in ancient times is, obviously, none other than the Great Pyramids. One once existed in Poseidonis, like its sibling exactly ninety degrees east in Giza. A fully functioning Great Pyramid could: preserve food without decay; provide full spectrum phosphorescent light that not only grew food in the dead of night but made people smarter in its presence; acted as a global telecommunications device using prismatically generated signals and ether wave carriers completely safe to all life; generated free energy to all attuned to its signals; and acted as a form of defense against aggression when operated by those of spiritual integrity. The operators had learned the secrets of eternal life via a variant form of gold in a powder form. This legacy was to be taught to humans in cubical shaped structures offering a seven step path to enlightenment described in the books of this website. By each was a circular city in rings exemplifying civilizational paradise.

The Draconians were never here to enlighten mankind as Pleiadians did. They came for conquest, using a civilizational model of the three Ts of torment: tribute, thievery and tithes. You were forced to offer a portion of mineral, plant and animal wealth to them: tribute. They set up gold standard based money in a gangster banking financial system to further seize assets and collateral. And they set up Sun God cult scams, to claim land by religious right, to name their homosaurian leaders as royal blood Divine Right superiors, to demand a tenth of your income—tithes—to cement their authority, while preaching various doctrines to get humanity to believe it was all descended from the homosaurian Adam. The legacy of Atlantis was to be hidden and forgotten. Humanity should, according to Sumer, consider itself slaves in perpetual debt to its reptilian creators. Its resources, body, mind and soul, were to be squeezed to the breaking point until one war after another left humanity slaughtered or enslaved.

At about 3400 BC, Sumer began to fulfill its intended purpose. It was founded as a staging area to take down the last of the Great Pyramids at Giza. The war between reptilians and Giza was encoded into the Mahabharata. Those running Giza had long since turned away from the path to enlightenment offered by Pleiadians. They lost, and humanity has suffered increasingly ever since.

After the flood of Noah at about 2800 BC, a new Atlantian colony, Hyperborea, arose in the North Sea. These Sea Peoples went south on raids as recorded in history. Many degenerate male Atlantians interbred with Nephilim, spawning another new line of giants: the Rephaim.

Again, records are clear, showing bones of giants, reptilian eye sockets sloping up and back, six fingers on many hybrids, and often red hair on albino white skin. But a legacy of conquest passed from Noah to his direct descendants: Cush, Nimrod/Sargon, and Abraham—and eventually, the Rothschild banksters whose practices were refined in ancient Babylon. All focused on conquest. The only punishments came to those who were not conquering enough.

Yeshua of the Herodian line, as shown by Tony Bushby, was of the Idumean bloodline. These Idumeans were the vestigial homosaurians, along with others as shown in this article:


As we look on matters in the present day, we see leaders using Sumerian themes which nearly all have been brainwashed into accepting. Prominent examples of mind control techniques include jobs, taxes, and wars. In any typical, dignified but ultimately insane “political debate” the brainwashing is reinforced. Candidates are calmly asked what they are going to do about jobs, taxes and wars.

There is only one correct response: all should be eliminated.

There are approximately 8 million animal species on this planet. Only one is suffering from delusions that mindless jobs serving soulless corporations are important. It is the nature of every animal to instead confront TASKS. These tasks are, generally, how to obtain water, sanitation, food, shelter, power, heating, cooling, and lighting. More advanced species need telecommunication and transportation.

These ten are the primary tasks that truly matter. Never once since Atlantis has any civilization mastered them. They never will so long as they focus on senseless jobs. All taxes are equally mindless. The governments create the money. Therefore there has never been, and never will be, a need to tax anyone, anywhere, anytime.

And once the ten basics of civilization are mastered, there will be no more wars. No one wants to risk having their head chopped off when all of their needs are being ideally met. Evidence shows those living in harmony with nature, as described in Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, have no criminal justice system—and no need of one.

An interdisciplinary team of experts in mastering the ten basics could teach those to all and wars would stop. This website and its offerings show exactly how to do this. All material needs are best met via a template economy as described in the technology section of this website.

In ancient times we see the primitive but positive precedent of the calcarians. These Atlantian legacy colonies mastered the use of limestone to live lives of complete freedom, even if it was a basic form of freedom.

Yet with a little more effort we can reach the stage of mastering plasma physics, as showcased in the Great Pyramid by Pleiadians, and once there, we have a truly thriving civilization of prosperity, with all ten basics mastered and beyond.

Think about the following:

A reasonable estimate of the cost of building prototype paradise technology is ten million US dollars at maximum.

Yet Planet Earth features:

About 190 nations, many with budgets vastly exceeding a billion dollars. Not one has shown paradise technology. There are about 100 million religious buildings on this planet claiming to represent the very knowledge of gods. Not one has shown paradise technology. There are about 4000 US colleges, and thousands more across the planet. Not one, intaking millions of dollars, has shown paradise technology. There are about 40 major film releases each year with a budget of 100 million to 150 million dollars. This has gone on for years. Not once has anyone thought to invest such money in developing paradise technology. Corporations have incomes in the trillions. Not once has anyone thought to invest such money in paradise technology.

But paradise is possible, and always was. Hidden History of Humanity is a heavily documented history text showing the details of all presented in this article.

Hidden History of Humanity shows the way we can build paradise today.

An optimal civilization was once ours...

It can be so once again….

PDF, 777 pgs
Price $15

Following are reactions to Hidden History of Humanity:

This is going to be a hard book for many people to read, but if you care about finding the truth, then you found the right book. The bible never made any sense to me. How could god kill everyone one minute and then love people tne next? Why did we have to sacrifice so many animals and people? Never made sense. Well, when you find out who started religion and who god really is then everything starts to make sense! I have heard about a lot of the hidden history before but in parts and pieces. This book shows a chronology of people, dates and religous organizations. This is very helpful for understanding history and the events of our past, present and future. You can see the hands that drive our culture and governments. How money has been used as a weapon against the people of the world. That the powers of the world make shortages and blame the people but it really is mismanagement by evil. If you pay attention to the author during this story, he gives clues on how to pull away from evil. This takes work and thinking for yourself. Only for the people who are not afraid. Also the author gives links to other sources to let the reader do research to see where the facts come from. Pay attention to other authors he talks about--their books will give you more information on what has been happening on our planet! Once I started reading the book, I didn't want to put it down. Analyzing the clues from the book confirmed many stories other people had told me over my lifetime. I like paranormal shows, history shows, technology shows and looking at these ideas leaves me with questions why the world isn't a better place. To me this book explains why people with badges and guns all show up to stop good technology from improving the world. I enjoyed the book and will dig into the ideas the author supplies throughout this book.

--Jerry M

This book is a total MUST-READ for anyone interested in the ancient mysteries, origins of humanity, or especially Atlantis! It has tons of new connections between ancient Egypt, Greek 'mythology', the Bible, alchemy, Edgar Cayce--so much more--- that even the seasoned reader or academic will find original and deeply intriguing. There may be no way to know if some points are true, but everything is so well-referenced and backed up by multiple sources that I could easily click a link to and read myself. Well worth the time it takes to check out the references provided, which led me down even more rabbit holes. Even if you just find yourself questioning the unprecedented events of the past two years and wonder how the heck we got here, you have GOT to read this book....it filled in gaps I didn't even know existed. Even some current events make more sense to me now! This world is so not what we think it is.

--Julie Z

Define an ideal and make it real-today!

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