The exact wording of the VEP, as given by Professor Loeb on Synergetics, page 867, is as follows:
"Crystal structures tend to assume configurations in which a maximum number of identical atoms or ions are equidistant from each other. If more than one type of atom or ion is present, then each atom or ion tends to be equidistant from as many as possible of each type of atoms or ions."
I can imagine how some might ask, "but what proprietary right does synergetics have over this even distancing that other geometries do not?" Well, first, again, the name "vector equilibrium" refers not only to even distances but is also the name given to the cuboctahedron, as it has internal as well as external vectors equal. To accomplish that task, its vectors are arranged internally with 6 axes at sixty degrees, which are identical to the grid axes of the the isotropic vector matrix grid used by synergetics. Thus, connecting points directly on the synergetics grid itself automatically provides one with placement points for atoms or ions--there is no awkward groping in space as in cartesian geometry. Only synergetics has this balance.
Further, the axes of this grid puncture each face of the rhombic dodecahedra dead center, again precisely matching real life events with an accuracy the cartesian grid cannot match.
Thus the VEP is fundamentally synergetic. (For more on synergetic geometry, please see Intro to Synergetics)