Knowledge is power. If the educational systems of the planet were truly dedicated to sharing the most positive ideas of all time with all citizens to make the world a better place, all of the information presented in the books below would be common knowledge. But if no one else anywhere will gather this fantastic set of references in one spot--POLYTOPE PRESS WILL! We can think of no better proof that the spirit of this website is indeed one GENUINELY dedicated to offering the best ideas of all time. Hopefully you can find the books mentioned here in your local library for free. If not, buy them if you wish. Together, guided by this knowledge, the people of this planet can empower themselves to make improvements on their own--after all, truly responsible people change their own lives rather than asking others to change their lives for them. If you do so, we hope you write us and share your stories of improving your life, in whatever way--any improvements can be an inspiration to all! This page features a collection of texts capable of becoming the foundation of a new educational system and optimal civilization, and will magnify over time. Got better suggestions for books that should be on this list? Speak up, then! Show us a better way and we will never turn away!
Welcome to a list of books offering some of the world's greatest knowledge, and may your adventures enrich you!
Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, Weston Price
Pottenger's Cats, Francis Pottenger
Food Enzymes for Health and Longevity, Edward Howell
A Cancer Therapy, Max Gerson
The Gerson Therapy, Charlotte Gerson
Folk Medicine, D.C. Jarvis
The Doctor's Book of Vitamin Therapy, Harold Rosenberg
Rare Earths, Forbidden Cures, Joel Wallach
Dr. Jensen's Guide to Better Bowel Care, Bernard Jensen
The Cure For All Diseases, Hulda Clark
Flood Your Body With Oxygen, Ed McCabe
The PH Miracle, Robert O. Young
The Battle For Health Is Over PH, Gary Tunsky
The Invisible Rainbow, Arthur Firstenberg
Let There Be Light, Dinshah Ghadiali
Seeds of Deception, Jeffrey Smith
Inoculated, Kent Heckenlively
Racketeering in Medicine, James Carter
Instant Vocabulary, Ida Ehrlich
The A+ Guide to Good Grammar, Vicki Tyler
The A+ Guide to Good Writing, Diane Teitel Rubens
The Math Wizard, Polytope Press
Mathematics the Easy Way
Mathemagics, Arthur Benjamin
Vedic Mathematics, Jagadguru Swami Sri
Makers of Mathematics by Alfred Hooper
Algebra the Easy Way
Geometry the Easy Way
Trigonometry the Easy Way
Calculus the Easy Way
Synergetics and Synergetics 2, R. Buckminster Fuller
For basic lists and descriptions of minerals, plants, animals, and more. consider the cheap Golden Guides books
A Beginner's Guide to Constructing the Universe, Michael Schneider
Cosmos, Carl Sagan
Patterns in Nature, Peter Stevens
Life On Earth, David Attenborough
The Ascent of Man, Jacob Bronowski
Conceptual Physical Science, Paul Hewitt, et al
The Golden Book of Chemistry Experiments
The Wonder Book of Chemistry, Jean-Henri Fabre
Atoms, Electrons, and Change, PW Atkins
Molecules, PW Atkins
Caveman Chemistry, Kevin Dunn
Designing the Molecular World, Philip Ball
The Self Made Tapestry, Philip Ball
Story Book of the Fields, Jean-Henri Fabre
Anatomy and Physiology, Rod Seeley, et al
Molecular Biology of the Cell, Bruce Roberts
Engines of Creation, Eric Drexler
Unbounding the Future, Eric Drexler
The Brain: The Last Frontier, Richard Restak
The Science of Everyday Things, Jean-Henri Fabre
The New Way Things Work, David Macaulay
City, David Macaulay
Mill, David Macaulay
Underground, David Macaulay
Building Big, David Macaulay
How to Grow More Vegetables, John Jeavons
How to Build and Use Greenhouses, Ortho Books
Basic Carpentry Techniques, Ortho Books
Basic Masonry Techniques, Ortho Books
Basic Plumbing Techniques, Ortho Books
Basic Wiring Techniques, Ortho Books
There Are No Electrons, Kenn Amdahl
Structures, or Why Things Don't Fall Down, AE Gordon
The Science of Structures and Materials, AE Gordon
Metallurgy Fundamentals, Daniel Brandt
Discovery by Chance, Mary Batten
They All Laughed, Ira Flatow
Stormy Genius, Richard Rashke
Buckyworks, Jay Baldwin
Suppressed Inventions and Other Discoveries, Jonathan Eisen
Lost Science, Gerry Vassilatos
Hidden Nature, Alick Batholomew
Nature of Energy, Polytope Press
Geography, Hendrik Willem Van Loon
Hidden History of Humanity, Polytope Press
The Biggest Secret, David Icke
Jonathan Livingston Seagull, Richard Bach
Illusions, Richard Bach
Psychocybernetics, Maxwell Maltz
Psychocybernetic Principles for Creative Living, Maxwell Maltz
Your Erroneous Zones, Wayne Dyer
The Sky's The Limit, Wayne Dyer
Pulling Your Own Strings, Wayne Dyer
Anatomy of an Illness, Norman Cousins
Head First: The Biology of Hope, Norman Cousins
Pain, The Gift That Nobody Wants, Paul Brand
You Are Not The Target, Laura Archera Huxley
Life 101, John Roger
Walden, Henry David Thoreau
Life Without Principle, Henry David Thoeau