An optimal civilization has the health of its citizens as its number one priority, not its gross domestic product--or anything else. A truly skilled civilization would have a morbidity (disease) rate of 0%. But if the healing profession will not heal you, you can heal yourself! The most potent, cost effective natural healing methods in history have all been assembled into one book, and you can finally empower yourself to solve every major health problem you wish, if you are willing to put the insights into action. Learn of the very best nutritional, supplementation, and detox ideas, and brilliant breakthroughs in science which enable formerly hopeless cases to be beaten with ease: heart disease, cancer, AIDS, ms, Alzheimer's, diabetes...the only limits to your health are the ones in your mind, as research has already shown wild animals get no diseases, and only become unhealthy when living close to man. You will never know ultimate health until you appreciate the rules of nature, and now you have the opportunity! Receive clear explanations, proven strategies you can put into effect immediately, a wealth of research resources for further investigation, and contact information for extra exploration whenever you want! There may never have been as comprehensive a collection of ideal health methods as this book offers. Even the pioneers mentioned are not all aware of each other, or how their work unites to form an elegant pattern that places ideal health within reach of everyone. And that is not all. The complete nutrition and total detox plans can also be used for regeneration: optimizing hair texture, volume, and color, including reversing baldness; regenerating teeth; perfecting vision, and more.
When you know exactly how to eat and detoxify, you can save tons of money, instantly lowering grocery bills and perhaps even eliminating doctor bills, so it is no exaggeration to state that not only can this book pay for itself, but in many instances it will pay for itself literally a thousand times over!
Empower yourself now!
The most powerful edition yet! Unlike the previous two editions, this is not available in paperback or on Kindle, as Amazon is getting too big for its own good. To obtain this supreme edition at best speed, send us a followup email at after purchase. The book can be yours without any shipping delays, and start you on the way to ideal health as fast as you can read!
Following are testimonials from those who have put these ideas into practice:
The information in Natural Healing Self Empowerment has saved my life twice. Once I had extreme mold exposure. I was so sick that I could not control my hands and the doctors wanted to put me on morphine. When a doctor wants to put someone on morphine it's usually the end. I used the oxygen therapy mentioned in the book to save my life. I was bedridden for seven months before I used oxygen therapy for three weeks. I got out of bed and started living a normal life again. The second time I was afflicted with fatty liver which is the beginning of cirrhosis of the liver. I used milk thistle and other suggestions from the book to bring my liver back to normal functioning within about 2 1/2 months. In health doctors use Greek roots words like bursitis to explain that you have swelling of the shoulder. This does not tell you why you have the problem, just that you have a problem. The book follows nature to heal the body, but uses science to understand why a therapy is useful for good health. The book will give you sources for proper diet and supplements. Points you to sources so you can verify the information in this book for yourself. Talks about alternative therapies which most physicians do not even know about. This book has a wealth of information on every page! One word of advice when using this book. The author wrote the book using the rules of nature. Without following these rules good health will elude you. I have personally tried to get around these rules and ended up with disastrous results. Every time this mistake was made, I had to come back to the rules of nature to heal my body. So be disciplined when using this book for the best results. If you're not disciplined then do one therapy diligently until you feel better. Then you will be willing to follow the rules to succeed with better health. I wish anyone who reads this good health and a happy life.
Jerry M
The tomato plants are now over 7 feet tall!!! & they are yummy! ROCK DUST ROCKS!!!!! I also think fondly of you when i have made several watery plunges after my SEA SALT WATER Cleanse!! hahaha. ...oh what a feeling! I will have future questions & possible testimonies as time goes on. I've already told you that were it not for your PEROXIDE terrible teeth would surely have over infected me. I have also severely reduced my TEA & coffee intake...& just started with MILK THISTLE to monitor my liver. (i have been diluting my ICED TEA to the point of 'flavored water' for many months & can no longer tolerate the sugary full strength tea.) What i love about your book is that it is EASY REFERENCE for ongoing maintenance. Anyway...congrats on this accomplishment. & i would like to be one probably all too few people to say ...profoundly... THANK YOU...for this work & effort.
Kevin R
MY HAIR IS BACK! THANK YOU!!! In just three weeks hair is surging back and I look way better! Not just volume but color! Thanks so much for this amazing information! It was getting annoying seeing my hair thin, but now it is taking off! And you’re right…this is all about nutrition or it would never be able to reverse like this. Shame that this info has been kept from people. And it makes so much sense. You gave many nutrients to help regrow hair, but the main insights in the beginning were the most useful for me, plus the sleep nutrition stuff for helping hormones. I am even increasing sperm again! They say sperm counts are dropping, so this stuff can help the world! I am glad the results came fast once I had the nutrients—I wasn’t eager to wait. And this helps testosterone levels too? Nothing but benefits! Thanks again!
Adam B
Great Book For Parents!
Just finished a second read of this book and want to say I recommend it to anyone who is a parent. YOU NEED TO READ THIS. A lot of good info you'll want to become familiar with to help your kids, as well as yourself. I have used the site referenced in here a lot prior to reading this book. Good place to go also. Now I will never give my kids a bath without thinking about the comment that they are cleaning the water, not the other way around. Yikes. I'm curious as to why purchasing "tap water conditioner" at a pet store was mentioned as a good step toward better water. I've never heard of this and what exactly does it do?
Julie Z
Saliva Testing For Birth Control
By the way, I've used those microscopes you mention for saliva testing for birth control or to just follow my cycle. But women should know there is more to them than meets the eye, and you really have to study the process and be careful how you "spit" on to the scope to get a reading. Though it is cool to see the ferning patterns they say correspond to ovulation, I have done experiments where I did 2 "spits" of saliva one right after the other in slightly different ways, and gotten two dramatically different results. One yielding a ferning pattern indicating ovulation, and the other not at all. If I had only done one, and was relying on that as my "birth control" things could have gone a little off! I would just caution women who want to try this to read the instructions very carefully, especially if you're trying NOT to get pregnant. And personally, I'd have a back-up method until you master the process. There were too many times I got conflicting reads.
Julie Z
Alternative Toothpaste
Final comment here. I go to a holistic dentist in my city. He recommends no fluoride either, but says that a toothpaste called MI Paste (available only through dentists I think, you cannot get it on the Internet, but they are working on it becoming available) is really great for rebuilding teeth. It is more expensive than regular toothpaste, but I can really see the difference in my teeth just by using it once a day. Teeth are very smooth and "clean-feeling". And much less sensitive than before for me. I alternate this and baking soda or a baking soda toothpaste (Weleda makes a good one).
Julie Z
Re: Tap Water Conditioner
Statement from manufacturer: Super-strength water conditioner. Instantly removes chlorine and neutralizes chloramines. Also detoxifies heavy metals in tap water. Requires only one drop per U.S. gallon. Use when setting up a new aquarium or adding water. Safe for all aquatic life.
These products came into existence because pet fish and such were dying from tap water. Water should be fresh from nature, not chlorine blasted and sent through corroding pipes. If it helps fish, maybe it can help us, too, until we return to nature at last...
I was what I would call an avid soda drinker for the past 38 years or more. It was the primary liquid I would consume since I was a young child. Now, at the age of 44, I started noticing shortness of breath and tingling in my arms and legs. I also had aching in my joints specifically at the elbows and knees. After deciding that I didn't want to continue feeling the way I felt, I decided to make a change and cut out soda from my daily routine. Within a few weeks I started noticing a huge difference in the way I felt and the tingling and other symptoms went away almost completely. My joints felt better, I was able to move around more freely at work without running out of breath. My blood pressure, which was registering in the high range dropped to normal. I also lost 13 pounds in just a few weeks. I used to joke that I did drink water, it was the number one ingredient in my soda-- but now I can see how dangerous it can be for the human body.
Mike A
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