Once physically optimized, paradise beings may become mentally and spiritually optimized via knowledge and wisdom. To build paradise demands knowledge, as there can be no wisdom without knowledge. We cannot act optimally if we cannot think optimally. Science literally means knowledge, but it is clear the path to paradise is most efficiently obtained with knowledge of harmony, not discord. Mathematically, this means abandoning phantom numbers, silly dimensions, and the cartesian coordinate axis system in favor of beautiful reality, precise terms and synergetic geometry. It means avoiding drugs, vaccines and surgery in favor of herbs, oxygens and frequency. It means avoiding heat, noise and explosions in energy systems in favor of cold, resonance and implosions. As the great Viktor Schauberger noted, we are doing the exact opposite of what we should be doing. The science section of this website is an effort to prompt such beneficial change.

By exploring the foundations of science via the many reference materials in these articles, we can optimize our capability by placing our knowledge on the foundation of nature. As Da Vinci noted, if you do not rest on the good foundation of nature, you will labor with little honor and less profit.

What can this new foundation gain for us? As incredible as it may be, this webpage is the only place where you can find a new theory of the atom, the basic building block of paradise, with greater accuracy than any other theory! Work done by the Polytope Press Research Group has resulted in the redesign of the flat Periodic Table into an elegant multidimensional structure—the Grand Icosahedron! This is completely for real, and is offered free to the public! Care to enrich your mind to enjoy the beauty of nature and gain a far greater sense than ever of the resources that can make paradise a reality? Then explore the book below, plus the groundbreaking science papers of Acheron and Gregory Stiles! The atomic theory presented in Proof of Synergetics in the Atom is present as a backdrop in Acheron's transcendent novels offered here, The Math Wizard, Death of the Innovator, and Triumph of the Innovator! These magnificent insights will one day prove vital to manifesting any form of product from plasma in the device we call the cymatron as described in our fiction. Hopefully, one day when new, powerful ideas are not suppressed, this theory will be better known to the world. Until then, you saw it here first!

Amazingly, decades later the synergetic atomic theory led directly to a new theory on origins of species! This work, too, is offered freely to the public, and may be explored below by clicking on the hyperlink for "The Musical Design of Species".

Musicians already knew God was a composer, but now we have proof!

The ultimate goal of knowledge is enlightenment. Yet too often in the past, enlightenment has been defined as attaining ultimate knowledge by those who then smile pitifully at others and then nap under trees. Can we do no better in defining enlightenment? Polytope Press now proudly offers its greatest mathterpiece, The Math Wizard! Though this is a fictional novel, it builds the case that the Atlantian path to the wisdom of enlightenment may now be reverse engineered. Evidence has been uncovered of the seven degree program taken by initiates in the ancient Egyptian mystery school, whose Great Pyramid is likely a legacy of the mighty Atlantis. Yet what was shown to those initiates was a feeble shadow of original ideas we can better grasp today. All the work has been done for you in assembling the ideas. You have only to go through them in this incredible book!

1. Math and Materials

2. Geometry and Architecture

3. Logic and Flows

4. Vibration and Chemistry

5. Spectroscopy and Astronomy

6. Music and Being

7. Final Revelation

In some ways the electronic book is like a movie, as new concepts are developed with depth via links. With its many diagrams and plentiful video links, you can explore the cosmos in a mathematical tour unlike any other, optimizing your own capability as cosmic secrets are revealed to you, one by one!

The plot summary is as follows:

It is the Second Age of Atlantis, and the newly upgraded species of humanity is being offered the path to enlightenment by beings from the stars.

The demigod line of Poseidon and Cleito leads to Altimon, son of a demigod, who aspires to become a skilled wizard after completing his seven degree path to enlightenment under the tutelage of the Light Order of Wizards.

The planet and all life are at risk from the threat of reptilians and an arising Dark Order of Warlocks. The wizards believe the completion of a global Great Pyramid network can protect the planet forever if completed.

To become enlightened, Altimon learns from nature the ways of math, music and energy, from one learning to know all. His skills blending mysticism and science will be needed as he voyages in time travel, faces an emissary of the warlocks in a final confrontation, and completes the next Great Pyramid on the Pacific continent of Mu.

His destiny is one shared by every soul that ever seeks to attain enlightenment….

PDF, 240 pgs
Price $12

Reviews of The Math Wizard:

So Much More Than Math!

Anyone even remotely interested in Atlantis or the ancient mysteries should read this book. The Math Wizard connects seemingly unrelated dots on what may have happened to the ‘lost continent’ and those who might have lived there.

But it’s so much more!

One could read it purely for the fictional storyline, yet you would quickly wonder—is this an informative sweep of history woven through a made-up story? Or are the entertaining fictional characters placed in the context of actual historical events from the distant past? Or both…. The links throughout the book to sources and videos provide more evidence of the rare ideas presented—on math, music, auras, stunning geometric patterns in nature—the one on sand forming patterns when exposed to different frequencies is amazing—and somatids…who knew?? Everything in the universe is indeed related! And now I see more of why it is.

--Julie Z

Really enjoying the Math Wizard, although a work of fiction it also has all the wisdom and knowledge about how to live an optimal life. Comfortable and healthy with all your needs met, food, shelter, light, heat etc etc. Its not just Maths, its the practical application of Maths so for example you will learn how to use chemicals and materials, and the practical use of things like geometry. You will learn all you need to know to be self sufficient and not have to rely on a centralised power, who are not guaranteed to have our best interests at heart and may force us to compromise our well being in the name of survival. You can start to feel demoralised and helpless, even if you realise you can’t trust the establishment, what use is this if we don’t have the knowledge or the confidence to be more self sufficient from them. So this book is very empowering in this regard. The only barrier will be sourcing the materials, although they are natural and abundant on the planet, we are living in a suburban area (unfortunately) where things are not easy to find or access /obtain and even if you find a source, you are then having to trust the integrity and purity of their product and they definitely are not free. It’s getting around that that stands in the way. However we have the willingness and now we have the knowledge, which is explained in an easy to understand and entertaining way -can’t recommend this book highly enough really!

--Sarah G


To optimize language skills, the study of root words is a must. Polytope Press offers Vital Vocabulary as a brief booklet introducing more than a hundred root words and their meaning, to build vocabulary in a fun, easy, empowering way! Exercises allow you to practice your skills as you grow. Working with this book will enable you to know the meaning of words just by analysis--including words you never heard before! Parents and kids alike can enjoy this text! Build your vital vocabulary today!

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Price $3

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