We now confront the end of all poverty--the template economy.
Since Sumer, mankind has attempted to build civilizations via various economic models, such as slavery, feudalism, capitalism, socialism, and communism.
All failed to produce supremely vital, independent people because all lacked harmony with nature.
The ultimate economy is a template economy, for it alone stands in harmony with nature. The purpose of this paper is to outline the template economy, and then begin to bring it into reality with you, the reader, participating in its initiation.
We can perhaps best understand the template economy by breaking it into three stages: tools, machines, and buildings.
We start with tools.
Tools are needed to build machines. Tools begin from objects called patterns. Patterns are precursors to metal tools and are made of easily shaped materials, predominantly wax, clay or wood. Once the shape is made, an impression can be made in the most primitive case using an expendable cope and drag sand mold. Once the impression is loosely made in wet material, that material is hardened like concrete. Afterwards, molten metal is poured into the mold, the object takes shape, impertinent material is removed, and thus is imagination brought into reality.
In the template economy, patterns for all tools are kept in a central community warehouse, owned by all, called a templatorium. At various points in their academic career, students are told of what items are commonly found in a house, and told to list every item they would want in their own homes. Every one.
They then proceed to build all those items before they graduate high school, using the templatorium stock. Whatever they build, they own.
Clothes, too, are also made from patterns. There are patterns for making shirts, pants and shoes. These, too, are in the templatorium, and are also made. Some items can be made more directly, like ceramic plates, tableware, and cups. Glasswares can be made using molds, like those for certain bottles.
Suffice to say for any item not easily made and requiring a pattern, such patterns may be collected, rated, and stored in the templatorium.
Thoreau once envisioned the ultimate government as one that prioritized the individual. This is what the template economy does. It is not the state or the corporation that owns the means of production, but the individual. From simple beginnings, we see the path to independent production: arts and crafts progressed to mills, factory lines doing assembly, computerized numerical control (CNC) machines, to 3D printing, and will ultimately end in cymatrons--devices which take input files of templates and manifest matter in cymatrons using plasma as a substrate. We need not despair that goods would no longer be produced without wage slaves; they can with such independent production, individuals liberated to live the lives they most love. Corporations will be instantly obsolete. Plenty for all. Eventually, physical templates can be replaced with 3D computer files, sold or offered freely.
The template economy does not have as its purpose to create equality. Should you choose to build little for yourself, then little you will have. Should you choose to build much, you will have much. Some are lazy, others industrious. Such is life. But no one prevents the wealth accumulation of another. All have time and means to meet basic needs. What anyone chooses to do going beyond meeting those basic needs is up to them. We must be clear that money has been abused since its inception, in taxes, trade, and stock, and by all banks. All money fraud stops once money is utterly removed.
One cannot manipulate that which does not exist.
Merchants have cheated customers from the dawn of civilization. The template economy erases all such fraud. How? You build for yourself. Ask yourself: if you build for yourself, how much would you want to cheat yourself?
There you have it. Problem solved. Permanently.
Even as tools are built from patterns, machines are built from schematics. These, too, would occupy the templatorium. Want a machine? Go build one.
Of course many machines and parts come from minerals and their ores. A valid educational system would teach all students of the three kingdoms in detail: mineral, plant and animal. You learn minerals such that anyone can go outside and identify all local minerals, and thus their hidden ores. You study plants so you know which herbs can heal you and assist in building, and animals to stimulate your imagination with the limitless skills life offers.
There exists on this planet an etheric grid. Minerals tend to be richest on its nodes, which is why city on top of city on top of city, layers deep, can be found across the planet. In such locations ores are inevitable, so healthy communities should arise there.
Yet it is still possible to have ores in other locations. It just requires more skill and effort. Kervran shows in Biological Transmutations microbes can transmute elements. So skilled humans could do the same.
Ultimately, plasma physics shows even greater possibilities for transmutation. We have only to persist in investigating.
Once we have tools and machines, we can erect buildings from blueprints, also available in the templatorium.
So how can we begin to create a template economy?
The beginning is right here, right now.
There are eight primary animal needs, and two wants we can add to get to ten defining characteristics of a civilization. These are: water, sanitation, food, shelter, power, heating, cooling and lighting, plus telecommunication and transportation. What follows are sketches of key concepts in each area, followed by links to get you thinking in terms of templates for each area.
You want paradise on earth?
Go build it.
Heckling is useless.
If you can show all of us a better way, no one wants to hear your complaints. If you are capable, show us all a truly better way, or be silent.
In time the templates here could be placed on a website such that all users could give them ratings. This specific website needs to be expanded before it could do this, and the resources are not currently available. The technical details associated with each template could also be categorized, such as tool hardness, machine efficiency or shelter insulation values.
It has become obvious now that no typical government will ever care about the people supposedly under their charge.
But we will not fight city hall.
We will build our own homesteads, in harmony with nature, and let city hall beg for our patronage in vain.
Thus now will the building begin.
The core of the template economy consists of homesteads, or homes capable of meeting all their animal needs. Should the residents choose to do so, they could obtain one hundred percent of their water, food, and power needs onsite. So let us consider what that entails in more detail.
Water for the home breaks down into two areas: drinking water, and what is called greywater--the water used for bathing, and cleaning in the kitchen for example.
For drinking water, one can either use nearby creeks, wells on properties, cisterns that collect rainwater, freshwater artificial ponds, or perhaps, if proven accurate, the methods of Paul Darby using a device to obtain 4 gallons of water a day from the air.
More apparent proof of this concept comes from South Africa:
For an overview of primary water--the key to long term fresh water needs for society as a whole, see these links:
Here is a lead we have not had time to investigate:
For some initial thoughts on rainwater catchment systems, see this link:
For an example of creating artificial freshwater ponds, see this link:
Once this water is collected, it may be filtered. There are two primary types of filter: a slow sand filter or fast sand filter.
Here is an introduction to slow sand filters:
A fast sand filter skips the algae for oxygenation, and thus reduces maintenance. For now an example would be a stone holding tank with three divisions. The first division brings in the water from the reservoir. It flows downward over rocks of ever smaller size, under a partition, then up layers of rock of ever smaller size until spilling in an egg shaped reservoir. Here the water may be ozonated by a fish stone extended from an ozone generator. Note that an ozone generator would not only purify the water of germs, but leach vital trace minerals from the water for easy alkalinity, insect repulsion, and beneficial consumption.
Dr Katz at Therabreath sells such ozonators.
Water should be checked for dissolved solids striving for 1000 to 1500mg dissolved solids per liter, with high ratios of calcium and magnesium bicarbonate, plus freedom from fluoride (borax neutralizes fluoride) and chlorine (which evaporates if water is left open to air). One should also seek low surface tension and freedom from contamination. Activated charcoal filters can help when needed to accomplish this. Mark that water, when separated into its constituent oxygen and hydrogen, would allow for hydrogen to be converted to plasma--a substrate to make any form of matter desired.
Each homestead can have a larger reservoir capable of meeting the water needs of that homestead in greywater, sent to a pit for distillation, then recycling. The drinking water reserves may have their own separate storage and filtration.
Individual homes can use composting toilets for independence, agriculture, and cleanliness. In simpler cases, one may create comfortable toilet coverings for 5 gallon buckets as shown in the first link below. After defecation, a layer of humus or sawdust covers the waste. Fruit and vegetable wastes may also go in. A five gallon bucket may be used as it is the most easily carried of useful sizes. The material may then form an egg shaped compost pile around a tree as described by Schauberger:
Begin by digging a hollow ring around the tree, and fill it with decaying leaf and vegetable mold, and cover that layer with river gravel, sand and earth. The base of the tree is protected with newspaper, which will decay over time, providing nutrients and aeration. The pile is temporally protected from rain by clay. Worms will thrive in the pile, providing more nutrients and aerating it. As more leaf and vegetable mold become available, the pile shall be built in layers around the tree into the shape of an egg, and again covered with clay. In this manner, the tree shall thrive with its mineral rich bounty surrounding it, making fruit tastier and healthier than ever.
Minimus Articles
Living machines
Living machines provide organic solid waste recycling by imitating nature.
An introductory article may be found here:
Rock dust is the ideal fertilizer. Smash any rock to dust by placing it on a rocky surface, covering with a garbage bag or tarp, and pounding with a hammer. Sprinkle the dust liberally in the soil and plants will grow healthy fruit, sparing you the need for herbicides, pesticides, other fertilizers or manure. Granite is the best of all such rock known so far.
To learn more, visit these links:
Other techniques for agriculture include complementary planting, double digging, and soil balancing with soil having the four elements of lime, clay, humus and sand. Read the writings of John Jeavons and Jean Henri Fabre for more. Note that lime can be placed on just about any organic matter to be decayed into humus, especially wood chips to create mulch.
Mulch is vital to soil, and if properly handled, can even obviate the need for expensive irrigation. To learn more:
Paul Gautschi
Buckwheat provides an excellent food source which can be turned into cereal flakes using a flake maker like those sold at radiantlifecatalog.com. There are also bread and pasta makers. Cheese can be made from nuts if desired.
For more on the benefits of buckwheat specifically:
Dwarf or Miniature Trees
These trees tend to stay about six feet in height so the fruit may be easily picked. The trees yield normal sized fruits spaced more frequently on the branches than typical trees. Among foods available are: apple, pear, lemon, almonds, cherry, peach, plum, banana, orange, tangerine and fig.
Berries on the vine grow rapidly: strawberries, blueberries, red and black raspberries, blackberries, grapes and more.
Like berries, kumquats will yield fruit in the first season.
Potato barrels
Grow potatoes in a barrel. Here is one of many introductions:
Tomato baskets
Grow tomatoes in baskets to save on space. Here is an introduction:
Plant alfalfa to help penetrate your soil more deeply. Some say it can plunge into the earth 40 feet to access nutrients.
Stuck indoors in an apartment? Still want to grow your own food? It is possible! Explore aerogardens for indoor growing! You can start from this site and do your own digging from there (pardon the pun)!
More food ideas:
Geodesic domes enclose the most space with the least material and are marvels of strength. With industrial bamboo, you have the strength of steel but a fraction of the cost and weight. Spruce could also be used. Learn from the experts at Bambutec of their high quality strategy:
There are a great many dome makers. Do your own research. You can always learn the math and make your own spars and connectors. Anyone could.
Slipform construction
Slipforms can be used for rapid construction. Create bracing walls of propped plywood, fill with stones, pour concrete over them, let dry, and scrape excess.
Thomas Elpel is such a pioneer, among many others. See his ideas here:
Adobe comes from mixes of earth, clay and straw, but has improved over the generations. To see how, consider Clay Mine Adobe to start:
Earth homes
Earth homes are buried in the earth, which offers free and excellent insulation. Here is an introduction:
Compressed earth blocks
Here is an intro:
Apartments as currently envisioned are madness. First, to all those who insist there is no problem with overpopulation, why do apartments exist at all? Is there not room enough for everyone to have a home with their own land? To say apartments serve temporary residents is to overlook that houses do the very same thing. In any case, if one must build apartments, they would be better built down and not up. This would better enable all residents to gain water from the earth, use composting living machines closer to the earth, grow food with full spectrum lights or using terraced inner courtyards open to the sun above, use compressed earth blocks to obliterate materials costs and prevent earthquake and other damage (floodwaters could go to cisterns and be purified), power could be obtained from the earth to drive heating, cooling and lighting systems. Importantly, all apartments could be rent to own, no banks or middlemen ever involved. No fat leech owners sucking money endlessly. Why did previous generations ever agree to the current insanity?
For an example of a prototype community to consider for whatever value one can find in the approach:
Solar power does not need to be as complicated as most think, though it can be lacking in efficiency. For those interested, you may connect a solar panel to a deep cycle 12 volt marine battery, then feed that to an inverter for AC applications. Learn how to do so here:
Earth Power
You can gain power directly from the earth to power your home.
Learn how to make an earth battery at fuellesspower.com
Water may be separated to its constituent elements of hydrogen and oxygen, and the hydrogen burned for fuel.
One man claims to be able to power his car in this way at: Water4gas.com
In the 1930s, vortex tubes proved a stream of compressed air can generate heat up to 350 degrees F out of one end, and cold below freezing out the other. Though the method is not currently efficient for large spaces, it could be made so by combining it with thermoacoustics. See the Wikipedia article on thermoacoustic engines or read up on the topic. Another possibility is radio frequency heating. Oscillations of 70 kilohertz have been known to heat suitable conductors considerably. Research to find out more.
See previous notes on vortex tubes first.
A revolutionary food refrigeration method was developed in Nigeria, using no power. A glazed pot which can store food is placed inside an unglazed pot, with a layer of moist sand between the two. Evaporating water creates an endothermic reaction, cooling the food about twenty degrees lower than the ambient temperature. This device apparently works best under certain limited conditions, but you may read of it here to explore it further:
In addition to these methods, electrostatics offer the promise of the most efficient cooling method yet, as TT Brown showed, and possibly heating, too. Read this article to learn more.
Bluemax offers full spectrum fluorescent lights.
These are the best found thus far. But ultimately we should strive for full spectrum phosphorescence--lights cold to the touch and very efficient. Tesla oscillated zinc sulfide at 10,000 hertz to phosphoresce, so go from there.
Nathan Stubblefield created earth telephony. Write Polytope Press for a free file of a diagram showing his ideas.
As mentioned in the prior article in this section, Polytope Press is preparing the foundation for the technology of paradise by working on ten template files to initiate the spreading of the technology of paradise. These include the first ten items: precipitators, pluvions, purifiers, perions, plentifiers, pulverizers, pozzolani, pulsators, polarizers, and pharons. All of these are intended to accomplish the goals of the independent homestead with supreme efficiency. The speed at which the ideas are developed and spread depends directly on your support. But the concepts are ready now for development.
This collection of ideas is the start. Once the optimal variants of all these constructs are known, the templates aiding their creation may be stored in the templatorium and built by those with the interest. If you can improve on anything, speak up! The time for asking others to do their jobs is past. From now on we do our own jobs as much as we can.
We can no longer define the good as merely the compassionate. Competence is the ultimate form of compassion. The good must inevitably be healthy, fit and free.
Those with land have advantages over others who do not. Encourage farmer markets, and have those farmers use the agricultural techniques listed here for all. It will lower their costs and increase profits.
Unlike some forms of economy that focus primarily on their gross domestic product for validation, which may very well indicate their nearness to extinction, the template economy has as its primary focus the number of homesteads owned free and clear with healthy, clean water, sanitation, food, shelter, power, heating, cooling, lighting, telecommunication and transportation, all eternally renewable.
Once enough people have made clear they can stand on their own using these templates, the power leeches may be removed, and communities can then more officially integrate template economies into their communities with templatoria, a worthy educational system, and more comprehensive inventories.
All your life you have heard of societal problems.
The template economy is the ultimate solution.