On the health, fitness, and science pages, you were offered the path to being ideally healthy, fit and capable. Ideal bodies, minds and souls enable you to find harmony within. Thusly prepared, you can apply new skills to develop the right technology, so you can independently produce and manage clean water, effectively recycle waste, grow food abundantly, cost effectively build strong, lasting homes, power, heat, cool and light those homes efficiently, develop free telecommunications and nonpolluting transportation, and share the ultimate system of production, the template economy--thereby finding harmony without. When we find harmony within and without, we have found paradise. This section of the website will be devoted to an ever expanding inventory of harmonic technology for the independent homestead and the template economy. To start, here are a few amazing initial building blocks for the technology of paradise, in a book and free articles summarizing the best ideas of all time regarding ideal technology and the ultimate economy, offered to you freely in the spirit of this website. We hope the information empowers you to see more of what you can do with a little discipline, dedication and determination...

In the ancient past, paradise was once attained, and then lost. To better appreciate how, Polytope Press now offers its breakthrough masterpiece of human history Hidden History of Humanity, which uncovers a record of ancient mystery revealed! What are the true origins of mankind? Do our origins lie in evolution, religion or engineering? Explore the startling secrets of the arcane past to find out! Lemuria, Atlantis, Giza, Sumer, Babylon, Hyperborea, Crete, Greece and Rome are connected as never before, in a spectacular sweep of history from the fantastic lost continent to the present day. Read this book to appreciate the valiant story of humanity with a fresh spirit.

We are far more than we have been led to believe!

An optimal civilization was once ours...

It can be so once again….

PDF, 777 pgs
Price $15

Following are reactions to Hidden History of Humanity:

This is going to be a hard book for many people to read, but if you care about finding the truth, then you found the right book. The bible never made any sense to me. How could god kill everyone one minute and then love people tne next? Why did we have to sacrifice so many animals and people? Never made sense. Well, when you find out who started religion and who god really is then everything starts to make sense! I have heard about a lot of the hidden history before but in parts and pieces. This book shows a chronology of people, dates and religous organizations. This is very helpful for understanding history and the events of our past, present and future. You can see the hands that drive our culture and governments. How money has been used as a weapon against the people of the world. That the powers of the world make shortages and blame the people but it really is mismanagement by evil. If you pay attention to the author during this story, he gives clues on how to pull away from evil. This takes work and thinking for yourself. Only for the people who are not afraid. Also the author gives links to other sources to let the reader do research to see where the facts come from. Pay attention to other authors he talks about--their books will give you more information on what has been happening on our planet! Once I started reading the book, I didn't want to put it down. Analyzing the clues from the book confirmed many stories other people had told me over my lifetime. I like paranormal shows, history shows, technology shows and looking at these ideas leaves me with questions why the world isn't a better place. To me this book explains why people with badges and guns all show up to stop good technology from improving the world. I enjoyed the book and will dig into the ideas the author supplies throughout this book.

Jerry M

This book is a total MUST-READ for anyone interested in the ancient mysteries, origins of humanity, or especially Atlantis! It has tons of new connections between ancient Egypt, Greek 'mythology', the Bible, alchemy, Edgar Cayce--so much more--- that even the seasoned reader or academic will find original and deeply intriguing. There may be no way to know if some points are true, but everything is so well-referenced and backed up by multiple sources that I could easily click a link to and read myself. Well worth the time it takes to check out the references provided, which led me down even more rabbit holes. Even if you just find yourself questioning the unprecedented events of the past two years and wonder how the heck we got here, you have GOT to read this filled in gaps I didn't even know existed. Even some current events make more sense to me now! This world is so not what we think it is.

Julie Z

Define an ideal and make it real-today!





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